Bdsmmania Cupcake Sinclair Tabled Toy

Bdsmmania Cupcake Sinclair Tabled Toy

Bdsmmania Cupcake Sinclair Tabled Toy

Bdsmmania Cupcake Sinclair Tabled Toy

Description: You�ve chained your toy to the table, wondering what to do to it next.
Stretched taught, long legs in heels and arms chained above head, your toy tries to move but realizes how limited it is in it�s movements. The chains clank, and it moans from behind its black ballgag, half turned on � half terrified. Take in its dyed bush � legs spread to expose its pierced pussy. Its shaved head and wide eyes with anticipation as you take long looks, inspecting it. Your toy lays waiting.
What will you do to it next?

Featuring: Miss Cupcake

Extension: MP4
File Size: 594.53 MB
Video Length: 00:06:25

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